Most probably, this error happened cause of PayTabs system failed to authenticate/identify the sent request information from the merchant side. 

In this article you will be going to know about:

How to investigate the reason that caused this error?

You can investigate the reason for such an error from the "API debug log" by navigating to the Developer’s menu > Testing > API Debug Logs (within your desired profile).

Or you may get the error directly from the response payload sent according to your sent request 

Reason #1: Mismatch Profile ID

This means that your provided Profile Id is not matched with the provided authentication server/client key or vice versa. To avoid/solve this please check the following points:

  • Check your provided profile id to be the same one associated with your server/client keys from your merchant's dashboard. You can check your profile keys by navigating to Developer’s menu > API KEYS > Key management.

    For more information about How to get my Authentication/Integration/API Keys? navigate to the article by clicking on it. 

  • Match the “profile_id” sent within the request payload from your side from the icon (i) (view request body) in the API debug logs (Developer’s menu > Testing > API Debug Logs) with the correct one.


  • Match the authentication server/client key sent within the request header from your side from the icon (i) (view headers) in the API debug logs (Developer’s menu > Testing > API Debug Logs) with the correct one.


Reason #2: Wrong Subdomain in the used API endpoint

This means that your provided endpoint URL uses a wrong subdomain, for example, your merchant account registered in the KSA region, yet you are using the UAE subdomain instead. To avoid/solve this, please check the following points: 

  • Check what is the API endpoint for your region according to your account by navigating to your merchant Dashboard > Developers > Getting Started > Transaction API. 


Reason #3: The wrong kind of keys

This means whether your provided authentication server/client key's is not the required kind (using SDK keys in API/System connections or vice versa), or you provide the client key instead of the server one or vice versa. 

For more information about How to get my Authentication/Integration/API Keys? navigate to the article by clicking on it. 

You may also need on this step to check that you are using the latest version of our SDK integrations from here.

Contact Paytabs' Technical Support Team

Tried all the previous steps, and the issue still persists? don't worry, Paytabs' technical support team has you back and will assist you gladly to get through this issue as fast as they can; just email us at ( ) with your profile Id, your business country/region along with your integration method and version (example: API, Android SDK, Magento Plugin, etc... "with exact version numbers") to assist you accordingly.