PayTabs Laravel Package makes integration with the PayTabs payment gateway very easy by providing a ready-made payment class that handles the card entry, and billing & shipping information and completes the missing details.


In this article, you will  be introduced to how to install our package into your system in no time in minimal steps. This requires a development skill to be performed by following the steps below


  1. Within your Laravel project, you can either write this command in the command line,
    composer require paytabscom/laravel_paytabs
    Or update your composer file manually using the same package name, then run "composer update" in your project command line

  2. You will expect your command line to look like this while downloading the package.

  3. Then after that, you will receive a notification message asking you if you want to synchronize the dependencies file as you just modified it. Kindly approve the "Sync Now" option, or manually type the below command in your Laravel project command line:
    composer dump-autoload

  4. You will expect your command line to look like this while auto-dump and synchronizing.

    Reaching this point, the Package is supposed to be installed successfully. Then kindly follow the rest of the steps to configure the package.

  5. Within your Laravel project, navigate to the “config/app.php” file, then add the below code line to the provider’s array as shown below:

⌂ To get familiar with the whole process and the other steps, kindly navigate to our "The Laravel Packge Integration Manual" solution article. 

And to get familiar with the rest of the steps regarding the current step "Step 1 - Setup and activate the integration method" click here

 And to navigate to the next step in the integration process "Step 2 - Configure the integration method" kindly click here.