Through your Developers panel, you can access several integration documentation and guides for seamless integration that will suit your platforms. Not only this but also several features that assist you in the integration process such as API Logs, IPNs, Test Cards, and so on,
The API KEYS section is a part of your Paytabs dashboard developer panel, this is where you will be able to find your APIs keys as clarified below.
In this article, we will walk you through understanding the "API KEYS" section and how to get the best out of using it.
-Key management page is dedicated to letting you get your authentication/integration keys for integrating via any selected method successfully and is also used to simplify the migration of your system from your PT1 account to our newest PT2 account.
Once you have managed to choose a suitable way to integrate with our payment gateway, your last step will be getting your authentication/integration keys for integrating via any selected method successfully. For that, PayTabs provides you with all the integration keys needed for any integration.
For more information check our How to get my Authentication/Integration/API Keys? solution article.
As for the "Integration Mapping" page, this is which can be used to simplify the migration of your system from your PT1 account to our newest PT2 account to not lose track of any old transactions and data. If you are one of our merchants who is still using our PT1 system, please contact us at ( ) for more information.
Note that the integration mapping section is only available for those who already had a PT1 account (PayTabs V1). However, if you do not see this section that means that PT2 is the only integration available for you.